CAIIB Super Notes >> Bank Financial Management >> Module C: Treasury Management >> Introduction to Treasury Management
The Big Short >> 30s Review

The housing market in the US has seen a boom like never before! But not everyone thinks it is going to last... an eccentric, all-powerful hedge-fund manager Michael Burry, decides to bet against the big banks, and invest into his forecast of the failure of the housing market.
The news spreads - while most think he is a crackpot, the Frontpoint partners and Jared Vannett believe he is right.
Will they be proven right or will they lose all they have?
The news spreads - while most think he is a crackpot, the Frontpoint partners and Jared Vannett believe he is right.
Will they be proven right or will they lose all they have?
Rating: Green - a gripping movie about the mid 2000s sub-prime market crisis that brought the global economy to its feet. It is based on the book 'The Big Short'. Great acting and awesome storytelling make this a must watch!
Don't miss the trailer >>
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